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Sports Physiotherapy

What is Sports Physiotherapy?
Sports Physiotherapy is an integral part of a multi-disciplinary approach to the management of sports injuries. The aim of a sports physiotherapist is to treat and fully rehabilitate the athlete post-injury or post-operatively, to prevent further injury and to return the athlete to sport in the shortest possible time. This may also include managing recurring or chronic injuries through the course of a season.
What Sports Physiotherapy Services do we Provide?
Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Injury. We offer superior physiotherapy through comprehensive assessment, strong manual therapy techniques and sound, evidence-based practice.

On-field Support, Emergency Management and Sideline Care. Our staff are experienced in sideline care and on-field support, with a robust knowledge of emergency/ trauma management and first aid.

Physiotherapy Support for Players. Players are supported at training sessions, tournaments and games by a dedicated Physiotherapist who may provide assessment and diagnosis of injury, taping, massage, treatment and further referral as necessary.

Coach and Management Team Support. Our aim is to fully rehabilitate the player before a return to sport, but we understand that some players have injuries, which need to be managed throughout a season. Working alongside Coaches and Managers, the Physiotherapist maintains open lines of communication with regard to player injury and rehabilitation status. This ensures the management team is completely aware of any risks players face on their return to sport, allowing them to allocate resources as necessary.

Player Education. We recognise that education is the key to player safety. Our Sports Physiotherapists have made it their responsibility to educate and advise on exercise prescription, stretching, a gradual return to sport and equipment. This extends to all players, with a focus on educating junior levels – we believe good habits are developed in our youth!

Specialist Referral. Our approach is comprehensive and we understand the challenges you face juggling work, family and sporting commitments. Our clinic is well affiliated with professionals in all areas of healthcare including Orthopaedic specialists, psychologists, sports physicians, podiatrists, remedial and sports massage therapists.

Clinical Pilates

What is Pilates?
The Pilates Method is a movement philosophy designed during World War I by Joseph Pilates, when he was held in a prisoner of war camp in the United Kingdom. He formulated rehabilitation exercises for injured soldiers during his work as an orderly in a hospital at a time when such active treatment was unheard of. He extended his movement control idea “Contrology” over time to formulate the Pilates Method, which is based on 34 mat exercises. Pilates believed that there was a connection between the mind and the body and devised controlled, precise and slow exercises in order to stabilise, stretch and strengthen the key muscles of the body. He designed specific pieces of exercise equipment for e.g. the reformer and the trapeze table to provide assistance, resistance and retraining to movement patterns. Posture Plus only employs experienced physiotherapists with a special interest or background in posture and movement re-education who are capable of training a wide range of clients with both rehabilitation and conditioning needs.
What to expect?
The initial assessment involves a detailed one-hour examination involving a postural assessment and specialised movement dysfunction tests. Clients are advised to wear comfortable clothing. Photographs and video are taken and utilised to explain what postural and movement dysfunctions exist, how they may lead to the current problems and how they may be modified through exercise. In order to improve the standard of care of clients, all clients complete research questionnaires, which at the completion of treatment provide evidence of the effectiveness of treatment. Follow-up sessions are also of one-hour duration with the choice of 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3 appointment types. The maximum number of clients to one therapist is 3. The clinic uses reformers, the trapeze table (Cadillac) and Wunda Chair as well as various smaller exercise equipment.

Pilates Plus FAQs

Who Would Benefit from Pilates?
Everyone! Clients range from young children to the elderly, from office workers and weekend warriors to elite level sportsmen and women, ante-natal and post-natal clients. Conditions range from poor posture and mild discomfort to rehabilitation following extensive traumatic injuries caused by car accidents or sporting injuries. The top 10 most commonly treated conditions in our Pilates clinic are listed below:

  1. Low Back Pain
  2. Sacro-Iliac Joint Instability
  3. Neck Pain/ Headaches
  4. Recurrent Ankle Sprains
  5. Piriformis Syndrome
  6. Scoliosis
  7. ITB Syndrome – “Runners Knee”
  8. Rotator Cuff Tears
  9. Post-Natal Abdominal Rehabilitation
  10. Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
Do I Need a Doctor’s Referral?
Yes. In order to see a Physiotherapist in Hong Kong you are required to first obtain a Doctor’s referral. Also, most health insurance companies require a Doctor’s referral in order to grant a refund. When you first attend the clinic, let our receptionist know that you will be making an insurance claim and she will photocopy your referral, return the original to you and ensure that the Doctors’ diagnosis is printed on your receipt.
How Many Sessions do I Need?
Everyone is different and the speed of recovery depends not only on the presenting level of dysfunction but also on the amount of pain, structural changes and the level of inflammation. Our experience in Hong Kong over the last 14 years has shown that significant improvements should be seen within 6 sessions with most clients finishing the Rehabilitation phase of treatment at around 10 sessions on average. At approximately the 8th session the client will be reassessed – using photos, video and our research outcome measures.

The majority of clients choose to continue attending Pilates as a Conditioning client in order to maximize their improvement. If your condition has not improved substantially within 10 sessions then your Physiotherapist will re-evaluate your condition in order to examine why you haven’t responded as expected and will devise an ongoing treatment plan.

What is the Difference between Rehabilitation Pilates and Conditioning Pilates?
Some clients are referred by their Doctor or other health professionals to attend our clinic for Rehabilitation Pilates. They have ongoing pain, structural or movement dysfunctions that require close attention, continual adaptation of treatment and regular contact with their Doctor and other treating health professionals. If the client is claiming back the cost of treatment from their insurer, detailed reports and progress letters are often required by the insurer. Their treatment progress will be more gradual and the exercises will be at a more basic level.

A typical Conditioning Pilates client presents with a postural issue such as post-pregnancy and poor work posture that generally doesn’t cause significant pain or restriction of daily activities. Their progress will be more rapid, the difficulty of their exercises more challenging and they will be more independent during their exercise sessions.

What Should I Bring to the First Session?

The first session is spent entirely on postural and movement analysis. Please bring along any investigation reports such as X-ray, MRI and your referral from your Doctor or other health professional. Bring along comfortable t-shirt and shorts for the men and t-shirt and yoga pants for the ladies as well as a pair of socks.

What can I Expect from a Typical Pilates Session?
Each Pilates session lasts 60 minutes. Unlike most Physiotherapy treatments, Rehabilitation Exercise using the Pilates Method is active – the client is guided through specific muscle activation and movement patterns, joint mobilisations, stretching and strengthening exercises. The Pilates equipment and other small pieces of equipment provide resistance, assistance and feedback thereby promoting more efficient and effective movement control. The Physiotherapists at Pilates Plus have created an extensive list of exercise handouts for clients in order to educate, promote self-help and self-maintenance and to continue the healing process outside of the clinic.
What Should I Wear For My Pilates Session?
Comfortable t-shirt and shorts for the men and t-shirt and yoga pants for the ladies and socks are all that are required. If you forget your exercise clothes, don’t worry, we always have t-shirts, shorts and socks for you to use at the clinic.
Can I Continue my Sports and Other Daily Activities During the Treatment?
YES! It is encouraged that you continue your everyday life activities, sports and hobbies (unless they cause you pain) but at the same time you are asked to actively incorporate what you learn from Pilates Plus into your everyday activities such as running, playing golf, sitting at a desk, repeatedly picking up a small child or carrying groceries. By repeating the correct movement pattern in your everyday life you will break poor movement habits faster and turn a conscious postural correction into an automatic one.
Is it safe to do Pilates during pregnancy?
YES! Pilates is a gentle form of exercise, which is not harmful to either the Mother to be or the baby. The majority of ante-natal clients continue attending Pilates Plus right up until just prior to giving birth. The treatment positions and exercise focus are adjusted according to the stage of pregnancy and take into account any specific pregnancy related problems such as Sacroiliac Joint instability or postural hypertension.

When pregnant, it is always advisable to check with your doctor first before starting any new activity.

Does Pilates hurt?
NO! The exercises are designed to help relieve pain by correcting muscle imbalances and improving bony alignment. The only pain felt should be mild muscle pain induced by the specific activation of weak/inhibited muscles or joint discomfort caused by mobilising previously restricted joints. All treatment-induced pain should completely disperse within 48 hours. If you feel pain for greater than 48 hours after your last session be sure to let your Physiotherapist know.

If you feel any pain with the homework exercises, cease the exercises immeadiately and contact your Physiotherapist.

Will Pilates Resolve my Injuries and Take my Pain Away?
At Pilates Plus we assess your entire posture not just the specific area where you feel the pain or stiffness. Our aim is to provide a complete appraisal rather than a “band-aid approach”, providing a clinically reasoned and evidence-based approach to the prescription of rehabilitation exercises. Our ongoing research shows that we have a significant effect on pain and functional restrictions on many different types of conditions. Our experience over the last 14 years has shown that the clients who continue their home exercise programme after discharge from active treatment, maintain and in most cases continue to improve on their results.

Our motto at Posture Plus is to Restore, Improve, Maintain and Educate.

Are there any Contraindications to Pilates?
NO! However, there are physical conditions where certain movements or positions are contraindicated or need specific modification. Your treating Physiotherapists have extensive experience and specialised knowledge in pathologies affecting the neuro-muscular-skeletal systems – training which sets them apart from other Pilates instructors. They are therefore able to modify and prescribe the appropriate exercises for any existing special conditions or pathology.
What Benefits are Reported Following Pilates Plus?
At Pilates Plus, all Rehabilitation Clients complete relevant scientific research questionnaires and all clients have photos and video taken of their posture and relevant movement dysfunctions when they are first assessed. The questionnaires, photos and video are retaken after approximately 8 sessions to measure the improvement. Over the last 4 years, the data we have gathered has shown that pain was significantly decreased and functional disabilities were significantly improved in a variety of conditions such as: Low Back Pain, Sacro-Iliac Joint Instability, Neck Pain and Headaches, Recurrent Ankle Sprains, Piriformis Syndrome, Scoliosis, Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow, ITB Syndrome – “Runners Knee”, Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tears and Post-Natal Abdominal Rehabilitation.
Is Pilates Covered By Insurance?
All Pilates Plus treatments are carried out by registered Physiotherapists. Whether or not this is covered by health insurance depends upon your insurer, insurance policy and your level of insurance. With a physician’s referral, most insurance companies will cover rehabilitation exercise carried out by a registered Physiotherapist. Please bring along your Doctor’s referral, as insurance companies require the Doctor’s diagnosis to be printed on your receipt. We will take a copy of your referral and return the original to you at your first assessment session. *Please note that currently, Posture Plus is the only independently owned private Physiotherapy practice in Hong Kong to be designated a “preferred provider” for CIGNA insurance company. Please alert our receptionist when you first make an appointment if you are covered by CIGNA, as there are specific procedures to go through prior to your attendance.
Do the Postural Changes from Pilates Last?
In most cases the body continues to change in a positive direction over time following Pilates intervention, especially if the client continues their homework exercises after discharge. However, as people may suffer further injuries, accidents or stressful times they may slide back into their “default” dysfunctional posture. So, additional sessions in the future may prove to be useful.

After completing the rehabilitation stage of treatment, most clients prefer to continue attending for postural maintenance as a conditioning client. Generally, the conditioning sessions are not covered by medical insurance but we do offer a package discount for these sessions. Other clients prefer to continue independently with their home exercise programme and return intermittently for progression of their home exercises or a Pilates Plus “posture check up”.

All clients are provided with an individually designed home exercise programme both during their active treatment and at discharge. Long-term experience has shown us that the home exercise programme is a vital tool to enhance not only the speed of recovery but also the maintenance of the postural improvements.

What is the Late Cancellation Policy?
At Posture Plus, we do not demand a cancellation fee but as our therapists are very busy and we have a client waiting list, we respectively ask that if you do need to cancel your appointment that you provide us with at least 24 hours notice. This will allow us time to contact someone else on the waiting list.
What is the Minimum Age Requirement Accepted at Pilates Plus?
As a general rule, we don’t accept children under the age of 10 years. We have seen a significant and increasing number of teenage clients with general postural problems (mainly due to computer related postures), sporting injuries and scoliosis. As children are still growing, their response to treatment is much faster than adults and the resulting improvements in posture can be astounding. Conversely, what may be a minor postural problem may be accelerated by the growth process and if left unchecked, may lead to lasting dysfunction, pain and actual damage.

If you are concerned about your child’s posture, please contact us to make an appointment for an assessment by one of our Pilates Physiotherapists.

Do you do Group Classes?
We do not run traditional mat or equipment classes where everyone in the room is doing the same exercise. While each client is treated as an individual case, after the initial assessment, they may choose to continue as a private client (1 client to 1 Physiotherapist) or to share a session with 1 or 2 other clients. All our clients have a specific treatment and home exercise programmes, which are devised and constantly monitored and adapted by their treating Pilates Plus Physiotherapist.

Please contact us directly for our current prices or 2167 8801

Clinical Massage

What is Clinical Massage Therapy?
Clinical massage therapy is a highly specialized and effective health care modality. The practice of clinical massage therapy involves the evaluation and treatment of soft tissue dysfunction by manual manipulation in order to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function.
What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit?
Prior to the initial session, please fill in and return the massage assessment form via email ( / fax (852 2167 8852) or alternatively bring in the completed form with you. Please click here to download the form.

The therapist will assess what areas need to be worked on and what type of massage is appropriate for you. In subsequent visits, should any information regarding your health change (i.e. pregnancy), please inform your therapist before the start of that session. Once the initial assessment is completed the therapist will give you some privacy to get undressed and to get on the massage table. Draping, usually a sheet, will be provided for you to cover yourself.

Treatments are generally done using massage lotion or oil directly on the skin. Pressure will vary during the treatment and therapists use trigger point treatment, fascial stretching and rhythmic techniques. Self-care exercises to do at home are assigned and an estimation of how many sessions may be required will be given to the client. Registered Massage Therapists work with their clients and other relevant therapists in a combined effort to achieve the best results.

Sports Massage Plus FAQs

I am Only a Weekend Sportsman, will I still Benefit from a Sports Massage?
Yes! While Sports Massage is primarily aimed at athletes and sports enthusiasts, this approach is also beneficial to any person with musculoskeletal conditions, acute injuries or chronic pain. Although the intensity of training may not be as demanding as a professional athlete, “weekend warriors” are often short on training time and lack the support of elite level coaches and sports therapists. This in turn may make them more prone to injuries (small or big) which may prevent their full enjoyment of their chosen sport.
How can Sports Massage Prevent Injury?
The experienced Sports Massage Therapist can discover problem areas that are not yet causing pain. The therapist can focus on these potential injury areas and prevent further damage to the tissues by providing advice regarding training and self treatment such as the application of heat, ice and stretching.

By maintaining the elasticity of the soft tissue and thereby allowing better alignment and range of movement in the joints, sports massage may also help to prevent the development of destructive compensatory movement patterns.

Is Sports Massage Painful?
One of the goals of sports massage is to promote relaxation of the muscles. However, as treatment often targets deep layers of muscle and fascia, a Sports Massage tends to be more specific and intense compared to a traditional relaxation massage. The therapist will always adjust the pressure to your personal preference and requirements. Please feel free to communicate to the therapist the level of pressure which feels best for you.
What are the Benefits of Sports Massage?
The main benefits of sports massage include:

  • Injuryprevention
  • Relaxation of over-worked muscles
  • Release of stress and tension in the muscle and fascia
  • Improved circulation which speeds up the removal of metabloic waste products from muscle and soft tissue
  • Improved joint mobility and control>
  • Improved health and elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments
  • Breakdown of scar tissue
  • Formulation of an indivualised treatment programme
  • Improve and maintain the level of performance of the athlete and sports enthusiasts
I have just Run a Long Distance Race, When Should I Come in for a Sports Massage?
Running long distances places a large stress on your body. A gentle massage focusing on the running muscles and targeting specific problem areas will speed up your post-race recovery especially if the massage is completed before the body cools down. Ideally, this should be followed by another massage session 48 hours after the run. It is advisable to avoid intense treatments for a week to 10 days following a big race.

Always consult with your sports massage therapist when you are planning a big race and they can assist you by formulating a treatment plan which is best for you.

Why is Sports Massage More Beneficial than Using Mechanical Massage Equipment?
Mechanical massage devices have become very popular and more widely available to the general public in recent years. However, while they are an effective tool for general relaxation they can never replace the experienced hands of a Sports Massage Therapist. During a sports massage, the experienced therapist continuously observes changes to the tissues and adjusts their pressure and focus accordingly. In order to continue the benefit of treatment outside of the clinic, your sports massage therapist may show you self-massage techniques using simple massage tools such as the spikey ball.
Are There Different Types of Sports Massage?
Yes. Sports massage has three main treatment areas: clinical, pre-event and post-event treatment.

Clinical treatment targets a specific injury, providing an analysis, diagnosis, treatment programme and preventative advice. Pressure, techniques used and the area addressed vary and are adjusted depending on the specific needs of the client.

Pre-event massage utilises brisk energising techniques. It aims to boost circulation, increase tissue elasticity and shorten warm-up time. This type of massage will focus on potential problem areas in order to prevent injury and to make sure your muscles are ready for action.

Post-event massage is a gentle and superficial treatment usually 10-20 minutes in duration. It initiates the removal of metabolic waste from the muscles and promotes the healing of muscle microtrauma. Research has shown that best results occcur if sports massage is commenced within the first hour post-performance, before the body cools down.

I have just Suffered an Injury, How can Massage help my Recovery?
Massage around the injury site will improve circulation to the area, which in turn speeds up the rate of healing by: reducing oedema, speeding up the removal of metabolic waste and improving the uptake of healing nutirents to the damaged tissue. When the acute inflammation period is over, Massage can be applied directly to the injury site to encourage the correct alignment of scar tissue and to prevent unwanted adhesions.

Injury and pain can lead to a variety of destructive compensatory patterns in areas of the body remote from the original trauma site. For example, muscles of the unafffected limb will take over the load from the injured area and muscles surrounding the actual injury site will contract, forming a protective muscular “splint”. Both situations lead to excessive tension and a secondary overuse injury may occur over time.

Ante-Natal & Post-Natal Care

Ante/Post Natal Massage
Our qualified massage therapist completed a specialized course in pregnancy massage allowing her to safely carry out a full body prenatal massage, including abdominal massage. She has a clear understanding of the benefits and contraindications of pregnancy massage, and how pregnancy affects the mother’s body physically, mentally and emotionally.
What Is Ante/Post Natal Massage?
Focusing on treating mums to be and new mothers, ante and post natal massage is specially designed to help alleviate many of the common symptoms and conditions associated with pregnancy, such as muscle tension, leg cramping, sciatic pain, oedema, and lower back pain.
Ante natal massage can be safely carried out after 12 weeks gestation and it is a hugely beneficial treatment to both mother and baby throughout the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, and into the post natal period. Massage encourages relaxation, an increase in circulation, and a better supply of nutrients delivered to the baby.
What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit?

Prior to the initial session, please fill in and return the maternity health history form (<a class=”download” href=””>click here to download</a>). The form may be faxed to our clinic, scanned and sent to <a href=””></a> or brought with you when you attend the clinic for your session.
Depending on your preference, treatments may either be carried out on a special pregnancy cushion or in a side lying position. Sessions typically last either 60 or 90 minutes and nut-free oil will be used directly onto the skin. As deep tissue massage is contraindicated throughout pregnancy, a light to medium pressure is used.

Sports Massage Therapy

What is Sports Massage Therapy?

Sports massage therapists are equipped with a large variety of techniques, from general relaxation and stretching, to postural realignment and specific injury treatment. Treatment is adapted according to the clients presentation so every treatment is personalised to suit your specific needs at that time.

“Massage is the best form of treatment for muscle tension […] its biggest advantage is that it can be used on (a) regular basis to prevent overuse injuries and as a symptom based approach to treatment of specific injuries.” – Mel Cash, Sports Massage, 1988

I am Only a Weekend Sportsman, will I still Benefit from a Sports Massage?

Yes! While Sports Massage is primarily aimed at athletes and sports enthusiasts, this approach is also beneficial to any person with musculoskeletal conditions, acute injuries or chronic pain. Although the intensity of training may not be as demanding as a professional athlete, “weekend warriors” are often short on training time and lack the support of elite level coaches and sports therapists. This in turn may make them more prone to injuries (small or big) which may prevent their full enjoyment of their chosen sport.

Exercise Plus FAQs

What is Exercise Screening and Assessment?

The is designed to analyse your posture, stability and movements to see what injuries you are at risk of and what exercises will best improve your deficiencies so you can reach your health goals.

Do I need a doctor’s referral?

No referral is necessary. Having some relevant past medical information prepared or available would be of assistance.

What is the difference between a Pilates assessment and an Exercise Screening and Assessment?

Pilates generally assists with postural issues and joint dysfunctions.

Our Exercise Screening and Assessments will generally assist in bigger multi-joint movements, with the purpose of developing some muscle coordination, strength, conditioning and balance.

There is some crossover between the two. Our Exercise Screening and Assessment is generally a progression from Rehabilitation Pilates with the view of bridging the gap between Pilates exercises and sporting exercises and movements.

What should I bring to the first session?

As we need to analyse your posture and movements, please wear appropriate exercise clothing, such as a loose singlet or t-shirt, and shorts or leggings.

Any medical imaging and scans that illustrate problems with any of your joints would be beneficial.

A list of your medical history, including any injuries or surgeries, would be very useful.

What should I wear?

As we need to analyse your posture and movements, please wear appropriate exercise clothing, such as a loose singlet or t-shirt, and shorts or leggings. Please be advised we may also need to remove your shirt in order to see your spine and shoulder blades.

What can I expect?

The first part of the assessment includes a comprehensive discussion of your medical, injury and exercise history. The discussion will then move towards what your current and future health and exercise goals are and will include some questionnaires.

The second part of the assessment involves videoing and analyzing your posture and movements. This will help illustrate where problem areas are and some important points about technique. Some hands-on assessment of muscle tightness and joint mobility may also be included in this section of the assessment.

A final part includes going through some exercises to help develop a program. You may be given some initial exercises to practice between the two 60minute appointments to see how you respond to certain movements.

Can I continue my sports, gym and other daily activities?

Unless informed otherwise during the assessment phase, you will most often be able to continue with your sports, gym and daily activities. Sometimes you may be asked to modify or stop these activities during the assessment phase to help analyse your response to your prescribed exercises.

In some circumstances, we may need to modify your sports, gym or daily activities for a period of time if they may be hindering your performance and progress to achieving your goals.

Who would benefit?

Anyone wishing to commence a new exercise routine or sport may benefit from an Exercise Screening and Assessment. The assessment is particularly beneficial if you

  • have had a history of injury
  • had an extended period not exercising
  • are not sure what exercises are suitable for you
  • are currently exercising but experience pain with some of your exercises
Is it safe to do during pregnancy?

We can certainly recommend and accommodate your program to meet your needs during any stage of pregnancy.

Is the screening and assessment hard? Will I get sweaty?

Although some of the movements maybe challenging, they tend to require concentration rather than muscle effort.

You may perspire a little during the assessment. Significant sweating or muscle effort is not anticipated during the first assessment. A slight increase in effort and movement may occur in the second appointment and in subsequent reviews. However heavy perspiration is not anticipated.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t do an Exercise Screening and Assessment?

If you are suffering from any pain or medical conditions that are not stable or are unpredictable, it may be better to wait until your condition improves before getting an Exercise Screening and Assessment.

Some surgeries may also require a recovery period before an Exercise Screening and Assessment can be considered.

What is the Late Cancellation Policy?

At Posture Plus, we do not demand a cancellation fee. However we respectively ask that if you do need to cancel your appointment that you provide us with at least 24 hours notice. This will allow us time to contact someone else that may need the appointment.

How does Exercise Screening and Assessment work?

The assessment takes place over two 60 minute appointments at our clinic. We go through your history, goals, analyse your movements and postures and put together a program to get you started. We then recommend monthly reviews so we can check your technique and progress your exercises.

What benefits are reported following an Exercise Screening and Assessment?

Participants often report

  • an increased awareness of their posture and movements
  • an increased understanding of why past exercises may have caused them pain
  • a better appreciation for different types of exercise
  • an improvement in their balance
Do you do one-on-one or group personal training as well?

Unfortunately we do not have the space or equipment to run one-on-one or group personal training at our premises at this stage. We can recommend some trainers and appropriate locations, although times available may be limited.

What is the minimum age requirement accepted?

We do not recommend an Exercise Screening or Assessment for anyone under the age of 13.

Is it covered by insurance?

At this stage, the Exercise Screening and Assessment can not be covered by any private medical insurance.

What are the ongoing benefits from an Exercise Screening and Assessment?

Depending on how many reviews you participate in and how often you do your exercises, people often report

  • an improved understanding of what exercises are beneficial to them
  • an improved understanding of what exercises may be dangerous or harmful to them
  • an improved return to or participation in exercise or sport
  • an improvement in posture and balance
How many sessions do I need?

The assessment takes place over two 60 minute sessions, although you may be given some exercises or activities to try in between these sessions.

Once you have a program prepared, we recommend an initial review within a fortnight and monthly reviews thereafter to review your exercises, technique, progressions and answer any questions.

Are there ongoing classes, sessions or costs?

We recommend a monthly review in order to adequately check your technique, progress your exercises and review your posture and movements.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

What can I Expect from a Typical Session?
Your physiotherapist will initially spend time discussing your condition with you: this will ensure that your therapist has a thorough understanding of what you consider to be your main problem, as well as providing you with a full picture of the way in which your pelvic floor may be affecting your bowel, bladder and sexual function.

Normally, your pelvic floor will then be assessed internally, via your rectum or vagina for women. Your therapist will then assist you to train your pelvic floor effectively and facilitate correct activation patterns. Biofeedback tools may be used to help you develop awareness and control of these muscles. For those with very tight pelvic floor muscles, manual massage and stretching techniques may also be used. Typically, your therapist will provide you with an exercise or training program to practice independently at home; this will assist you in achieving optimal pelvic floor function.

We also support men before and after prostate surgery, and those with voiding problems, bowel and bladder control issues, pelvic pain and erectile dysfunction. Whilst it can be difficult discussing these sensitive issues, we encourage you to seek help as your physiotherapist can assist you with your quality of life.

Who Would Benefit from an assessment by a Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Physiotherapist?
Men and women of any age can get help from a Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Physiotherapist if they suffer from any of the issues below:

  1.  Bladder or bowel problems such as poor control. Symptoms, such as needing to rush to get to the toilet, leaking before you get there, going frequently or leaking with effort for example when you cough, sneeze, lift or run.
  2. Constipation.
  3. Gynaecological issues such as prolapse, pelvic pain, or painful sexual intercourse.
  4. Bladder control issues while pregnant or after having a baby.

Manipulative Physiotherapy

What is Manual Therapy?
Manual therapy is a method of assessment and treatment that is commonly used by trained musculoskeletal Registered Physiotherapists. It aims to quickly reduce pain and improve movement1 and is clinically and cost effective2. Manual therapy treatment can include techniques that glide joints in a rhythmic manner (mobilisation), gap joint surfaces (manipulation) and/or use muscle contractions to restrict or loosen joints.
What is the effectiveness of Manual Therapy?
Manual therapy is effective in treating neck and back pain and is recommended in national and international treatment guidelines.4 The majority of patients with spinal pain can expect to see a reduction in pain and improvement in function following a course of manual therapy.
What are the effects of Manual Therapy?
Manual therapy rapidly reduces pain and muscle spasm and helps with movement. Additionally, manual therapy can help you use muscles that are not working due to the pain and this can help with your exercises.3 The effects of treatment can be short lived and it is important that you regularly undertake stretches and exercises, given to you by your Registered Physiotherapist, which will work well with the manual therapy treatment.
What are the risks of Manual Therapy?
The commonest adverse reaction to manual therapy is some post-treatment soreness, which can last a day or two.5 This is a normal, temporary response to having a stiff area of the spine stretched or weak muscles exercised.
What about quick manipulative thrust techniques of the neck?
Manipulative thrust techniques involve gapping joint surfaces to effectively reduce joint stiffness, muscle spasm and pain1. There are very rare cases of patients having serious adverse events, including stroke and death, following these techniques.6 These events are associated with damage to the arteries running through the neck. The ‘average’ risk of such events is estimated to be approximately 1.3 in 100,000 patients.6,7 Although it is difficult to be absolutely certain about your personal risk of a serious adverse event, your Registered Physiotherapist is able to use current evidence as a guide to make the best possible judgement for you, given your presenting features.8,9
What can be done to minimise risk and optimise benefit?
Your Registered Physiotherapist will be trained in Manual Therapy and will ask you a series of questions, before moving your neck, to consider if manual therapy is indicated and to consider if your risk of having a serious adverse event is higher than average.9 Techniques will be selected that minimise the risks to the neck arteries and optimise the effects of treatment. Manipulative thrusts will only be undertaken after a thorough discussion of these issues and after gaining your consent for the technique.
What are the alternatives to manipulative thrust techniques?
Similar levels of improvement can be obtained with slow speed “mobilisation” movements and specific exercises of the neck.10 These techniques have not been found to cause serious damage to the arteries of the neck. Your Registered Physiotherapist will discuss your treatment preferences before commencing treatment.

  1. Herzog W. (2010) The Biomechanics of Spinal Manipulation. Journal of Bodyworks and Movement Therapies. 14:280-286.
  2. Michaleff A.Z., Lin C.-W.C.,Maher C.G., van Tulder M.W. (2012) Spinal Manipulation Epidemiology: Systematic Review of Cost Effectiveness Studies. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 22:655-662.
  3. Haavik H., Murphy B. (2012) The role of spinal manipulation in addressing disordered sensorimotor integration and altered motor control. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 22:768-77.
  4. Carragee E.J, van der Velde, et al., Carroll L.J. et al., (2009) Treatment Of Neck Pain: Noninvasive Interventions. Results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 32:S141-S175.
  5. Carnes D., Thomas S, Mars T.S., Mullinger B., Froud R, Underwood M. (2010) Adverse events and manual therapy: A systematic review. 
Manual Therapy.15: 355–363.
  6. Miley M.L., Wellik K.E., Wingerchuk D.M., Demaerschalk B.M. (2008) Does Cervical Manipulative Therapy Cause Vertebral Artery Dissection and Stroke? The Neurologist. 14:1, 66-73.
  7. Cassidy J.D., Boyle E., Côté P., He Y., Hogg-Johnson S., Silver F.L., Bondy S.L.(2008) Risk of Vertebrobasilar Stroke and Chiropractic Care. Results of a Population-Based Case-Control and Case-Crossover Study. Spine. 33:4S. S176-S183.
  8. Kerry R., Taylor A.J., Mitchell J., McCarthy C., Brew, J. (2008) Manual Therapy and Cervical Arterial Dysfunction, Directions for the Future: A Clinical Perspective. The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. 16:1. 39-48.
  9. Rushton A, Rivett D, Carlesso L, Flynn T, Hing W, Kerry R. (2012) International Framework for Examination of the Cervical Region for potential of Cervical Arterial Dysfunction prior to Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Intervention. International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists. Documentation available at
  10. Leaver A.M., Maher, C.G., Herbert, R.D., Latimer, J. McAuley, J.H., Jull, G., Refshauge, K.M. (2010) A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Manipulation With Mobilization for Recent Onset Neck Pain. Archives Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 91:1313-8.

Provided by the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP)

The Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP) is a group of over 1,100 physiotherapists, who are members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, UK. In addition to their undergraduate training they have all undertaken extensive postgraduate study and reached a recognised standard of excellence in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. To obtain membership of the MACP clinicians have to complete a recognised postgraduate course of study, many of which are at a Master of Science level. MACP members will have ‘MMACP’ after their name.For further information:,,

Sports Physiotherapy Plus FAQs

What Treatment can I Expect from the Sports Physiotherapist at Training and at Games?
The first training session after a game is the best time to bring up any new niggles arising from games on the weekend! Often there is limited time to have a full consultation with your Physiotherapist at training, but they will talk through your injury, assess you, and make a provisional diagnosis. If the injury can be treated with strapping for example, your Physiotherapist will manage this on-site. If the injury requires further attention, your Physiotherapist may advise you to visit the clinic for a more thorough assessment and treatment.

At games the Sports Physiotherapist is there to prepare you before the game whether you require stretching, massage or strapping as well as to manage any injuries that occur through the match. Our Sports Physiotherapist has extensive experience in the treatment of acute on-field injuries.

What if I have my own Physiotherapist?
We are happy for you (indeed encourage you), to go back to your own Physiotherapist to address any issues we might identify during the season. It will not mean that we stop providing physiotherapy services to you through your team. We are also happy to communicate with your Physiotherapist or physician – we always operate with your best interests at heart because we want to see your full recovery from injury and 100% participation in the sport you love.
Do I have to pay for tape or materials at trainings or games?

No. This is part of the service provided by your team’s dedicated Sports Physiotherapist.

Do I Need to Pay if I Come into the Clinic for Treatment?
Yes there is a charge when you are treated in the clinic outside of training or game time. While we do our best to manage injury on the pitch, there are times when you will need one-on-one treatment in a clinical setting.

Clinical Massage Plus FAQs

What is the difference between a Clinical & Relaxation Massage?
A relaxation massage utilizes classic Swedish massage techniques. The massage therapist will use light to medium pressure, depending on the client’s preference, and the intent of the session is to help the client relax. This type of massage is often performed in a day spa or resort.

Clinical massage sessions are set up quite differently from a spa massage. Clinical massage therapy focuses on addressing the deeper muscles of the body versus a relaxation massage being performed with a light touch on the surface of the skin. This type of treatment may contain a large relaxation element but advanced massage techniques including deep tissue massage, myofascial, and trigger point therapy are used to treat pain and chronic health issues.

A therapeutic or clinical massage practitioner has extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology and may see a client very frequently for the first few weeks or months. Heat may be applied along with cold packs to relax muscles and make them more responsive to the work. Your therapist is also qualified to advise self-massage techniques and specific muscle stretches to assist the healing process.

Do I have to be completely undressed?
In a word, “No.” You should undress to your comfort level. Any clothing left on serves as a border to your privacy. Your therapist will do her best to work around any clothes left on. However, the more clothing worn means that certain areas may receive minimal work or not be massaged at all. Most clients either wear their underwear or nothing. Boxers and panties that cover the bottom of the buttocks usually prevent work from being done on your upper hip and hamstring muscles.
Can I talk during a massage?
As the client, you control the massage. You can decide if you want to talk or not to talk. Many clients talk during the initial stages of massage. It can help them to release the frustration of the day and relax or feel more comfortable with a stranger touching their bodies, but as the massage progresses, they tend to slip into a relaxed state and occasionally even fall asleep. As the client, you should also not be afraid to speak up if anything makes you uncomfortable: if it is too cold or hot or if you prefer a deeper or lighter pressure.
When is massage contraindicated?
There are specific medical conditions where you should not get a massage. See the list below:

  • Pregnancy (no massage during 1st trimester), induced diabetes, toxemia, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
  • Fever
  • Any type of infectious disease
  • Systemic (whole body) infections
  • Severe cold
  • Fracture, bleeding, burns, or other acute injury
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Blood clot
  • High blood pressure (unless under control with medication)
  • Heart disease
  • Open skin lesions or sores (therapist may work around them if localized)

This is why the therapist completes a thorough assessment and why you should always update your therapist with any health changes. If you are under a doctor’s care, it is strongly recommended that you obtain approval from your doctor prior to any massage session. Your massage therapist may require a recommendation or approval from your doctor.

When should I get a massage?
Almost any time is a good time to get a massage. You don’t need to be stressed or injured to have a session. Massage is an excellent preventative care measure. A regular massage is a great way to cope with stress and to prevent physical and emotional pain from crippling your everyday life.

If you suffer from any of the following disorders, you may benefit from clinical massage.

  • Any chronic muscle or joint pain
  • A known condition of referred pain, such as “when my neck gets tense I get a headache”
  • Any reoccurring symptoms that seem to accompany or are precipitated by muscle tightness
  • Tight muscles that are limiting the mobility of a joint
  • Chronically fatigued muscles
  • Low energy level, especially when accompanied by muscle aches and pains
  • A recent muscle injury that generates pain or dysfunction in areas not seemingly directly involved in the injury
  • Any digestive dysfunction that tests negative for conventional causes
  • Muscle pain that reoccurs in an area with no apparent new cause
  • A tendency for pain to spread to other muscles whenever a simple strain or injury occurs
What medical conditions can massage therapy help?
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis (both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Asthma and bronchitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Chronic and acute pain
  • Circulatory problems
  • Depression
  • Digestive disorders, including spastic colon, constipation, diarrhea and colic
  • Headache. Especially when due to muscle tension.
  • Immune function disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Myofascial pain (a condition of the connective tissue connecting the muscles)
  • Premature infants
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Sinusitis
  • Sports injuries (including pulled or strained muscles and sprained ligaments)
  • Stress
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction
Massage helps to decrease pain! How does it work?
Massage is a very effective technique for controlling pain. There are a number of ways massage may help in controlling pain.

Massage confuses the body’s pain signals.
Massage strokes may interfere with pain signal pathways to your brain, a process called the “gate control theory”. Pain impulses run toward the spinal cord and then up the cord and into the brain. Its only when they reach the brain that these impulses are perceived as pain. When you massage, it sends other impulses along the same nerves. When all these impulses try to reach the brain through nerves, the nerves get clogged like a highway during morning rush hour. The result? Most of them won’t reach the brain. And if the pain signal does not reach the brain, you won’t feel pain. Therefore, massage works by ‘closing the gate’ that pain impulses have to pass through.

Massage stimulates the body’s natural painkillers.
It stimulates the release of endorphins, the morphine-like substances that the body manufactures, into the brain and nervous system.

Massage provides deep relaxation.
It relieves muscle tension, spasm, and stiffness. All of these contribute to pain. Experts suggest that tense muscles are usually deprived of oxygen, because the tightness reduces blood circulation to the area. Massage improves blood circulation, bringing with it what the muscle needs: oxygen, other forms of nourishment and removes toxins which irritate nerve endings. The muscle then relaxes and pain decreases.

Massage relieves mental stress and anxiety.
Massage is providing the benefit of the therapeutic value of touch which helps a person in pain. Research shows that even touch lasting for less than 1 second has the ability to make people feel better.

Obviously one hour-long touch provided by massage has to make you feel good!

What Types of Pain Can Massage Help?
Massage can help any pain originating from muscle tension: for example: head, back, neck, and shoulder pain can all benefit from massage. Releasing tightness and tension in muscles is the most obvious effect of a good massage. Massage also is beneficial for relieving pain associated with arthritis, injuries, or even recent surgery.

Massage and Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction
Pain and/or physiological dysfunction originates from identifiable points within muscles and their fascial tissues. These locations are known as trigger points because they often trigger distant reactions.

Scientists have developed extensive maps of such referred pain. They have also identified nearly a hundred dysfunctions that can have Myofascial trigger point origins. Some of these are: carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ dysfunction (jaw or face pain), PMS, headache, diarrhea, dizziness, cardiac arrhythmia, indigestion, tennis elbow, urinary frequency, sinusitis, deafness, and blurred vision.

Massage and Fascial Plane Dysfunction
Fascia can be compared to the body’s own version of “Saran Wrap.” It covers most of the body in large, continuously connected sheets. Injury, postural patterns and chemical imbalances can cause these sheets to distort and bind to themselves and nearby tissues. Since all major blood vessels and nerves follow these fascial sheathes through the body, properly aligned and released fascia is vital to good health and the proper operation of the circulatory and nervous systems. Myofascial release is a specific massage technique which focuses directly on the fascia.

Is Massage Safe During Pregnancy?
Massage may be very beneficial during pregnancy. Clinical massage therapists are trained specifically in the area of pregnancy massage and are required to do a pregnancy clinic as part of their training. Massage not only helps with physical discomforts that come with pregnancy, it may also help with the emotional stress caused by changing hormone levels and the impending lifestyle changes. Massage is also excellent for helping to decrease water retention in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Massage during the first trimester is not recommended.

At Posture Plus we use a pregnancy pillow, which minimises discomfort.

Acupuncture Plus FAQs

Is Acupuncture Covered By Insurance?
At Posture Plus, only registered Physiotherapists carry out acupuncture treatments as an adjunct to traditional Western Physiotherapy techniques. Whether or not you are covered for Physiotherapy treatment depends upon your insurer, insurance policy and your level of insurance. Check with your insurer first to confirm your coverage before you attend our centre. Please bring along your Doctor’s referral, as insurance companies require the Doctor’s diagnosis to be printed on your receipt. We will take a copy of your referral and return the original to you at your first assessment session.

*Please note that currently, Posture Plus is the only independent private Physiotherapy practice in Hong Kong to be designated a “preferred provider” for CIGNA insurance company. Please alert our receptionist when you first make an appointment if you are covered by CIGNA as there are specific paperwork procedures to go through prior to your attendance.

What is the Late Cancellation Policy?
At Posture Plus, we do not demand a cancellation fee but as our therapists are very busy and we have a waiting list, we respectively ask that if you do need to cancel your appointment that you provide us with at least 24 hours notice. This will allow us time to contact someone else on the waiting list.
Is there a Minimum Age Requirement for Acupuncture?
No. There is no minimum age requirement for acupuncture as long as they are not afraid of needles, and will stay still during the treatment. At Posture Plus we have treated children as young as 4 years of age with good effect.

Please contact us directly for an appointment with our Acupuncture certified Physiotherapists: Milly Yu and Evey Siu or 2167 8801

How Many Sessions of Acupuncture do I Need?
The number of sessions depends on the type of injury and the severity of symptoms. Sports injuries and acute conditions usually require fewer sessions of treatment, but at shorter treatment intervals for example, daily or every second day. Chronic problems e.g. neck or back pain of greater than three months duration, require less frequent treatment over a longer period of time.
What Should I Bring to the First Session?

Make sure that you bring comfortable clothing. You may be asked to remove the clothing to reveal the areas to be treated but you will be appropriately screened at all times.

Who Would Benefit from Acupuncture?
At Posture Plus acupuncture is one of several treatment modalities that your Physiotherapist may choose to utilise during your session. If you are fearful of needles or unsure, don’t hesitate to let your Physiotherapist know that you do not wish to receive acupuncture. Your therapist will ensure that other equally valuable treatments will be implemented instead.

Current research shows that the following conditions respond positively to acupuncture treatment:

  1. Low Back Pain
  2. Sciatica
  3. Neck Pain/ Headaches
  4. Piriformis Syndrome
  5. ITB Syndrome – “Runners Knee”
  6. Rotator Cuff Tears
  7. Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
  8. Ankle sprain
  9. Facial Palsy
  10. Osteoarthritis (particularly of the knee joint)
Do I Need a Doctor’s Referral?
Yes. In order to see a Physiotherapist in Hong Kong you are required to first obtain a Doctor’s referral. Also, most health insurance companies require a Doctor’s referral in order to grant a refund. When you first attend the clinic, let our receptionist know that you will be making an insurance claim and she will photocopy your referral, return the original to you and ensure that the Doctors’ diagnosis is printed on your receipt.
What can I Expect from a Typical Acupuncture Session?
During the first session, your physiotherapist will explain to you what acupuncture is and how it will be done. With your consent, your physiotherapist will carry out acupuncture by applying fine needles to the affected areas. Depending on the condition, the needles will generally be left in situ for between 15 to 30 minutes in order to stimulate therapeutic effects.

Your Physiotherapist might also choose to use “electro-acupuncture”, which is when an electrical current is passed through the acupuncture needles to heighten the stimulatory effect.

Is it Safe to do Acupuncture During Pregnancy?
Make sure you tell your physiotherapist if you think you are pregnant. There are certain acupuncture points, which are contraindicated when pregnant so your physiotherapist will take care to avoid those particular acupuncture points. Acupuncture has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment for pregnant women when the contraindicated points are avoided.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
All the acupuncturists at Posture Plus are certified, skilled and experienced in using acupuncture as a treatment modality. They are able to insert the needles in a manner which minimizes the pain. Most clients find acupuncture almost painless, as the needle is very fine and thin. Some people hardly feel the insertion of the needles at all but it does depend on the area of the body concerned and the sensitivity of the client and their condition. In some cases, clients who are very sensitive or have a phobia of needles may find acupuncture unpleasant. In these cases, it is strongly recommended that the client discuss their fears with their treating Physiotherapist before receiving acupuncture.
Will Acupuncture Resolve my Injuries and Take my Pain Away?
Researchers have shown that clients have displayed the following therapeutic effects after receiving acupuncture treatment:

  • Pain relief
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Increase pain threshold by stimulating the release of natural adenosine (an anti-inflammatory effect) and endorphin (pain relieving and a feeling of well-being effect) hormones in the body
  • An analgesic effect

As with all conditions, if you continue to stress your body, move incorrectly etc, the treatment effect of acupuncture may only be short term. At Posture Plus, acupuncture is only one modality that our Physiotherapists use; there are many other modalities (joint mobilization, soft tissue massage, neural mobilization, stretching and strengthening for example) that may be incorporated into your treatment programme in order to maximize the benefits.

Are there any Contraindications to Acupuncture?
  1. Clients who are fearful of needles
  2. Bleeding disorders and clients who are taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs
  3. Skin infections at the needle site
  4. Skin disorders such as psoriasis, cellulitis or eczema
  5. Metal allergy
  6. Pacemaker (for electro-acupuncture only)
What Benefits have been Reported Following Acupuncture?
Research has shown that acupuncture will cause certain reactions in our body which result in the following therapeutic effects:

  • The release of a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory chemical – adenosine, which also promotes sleep
  • The release of oxytocin, a naturally occurring hormone, which promotes muscle relaxation and a feeling of wellbeing. It also relieves pain and significantly, the pain relief becomes greater with repeated applications of acupuncture
  • There are effects in the central areas of the brain (limbic and paralimbic), resulting in changes in the emotional reaction to and perception of pain

Gait Assessment

What is an Gait Assessment?

Gait analysis looks at the movement patterns of walking and running. These complex patterns are determined by:

  • Joint Mobility
  • Muscle Flexibility, Stability and Strength
  • Neuro-Muscular Control

By analyzing walking or running biomechanically, we can identify which areas require improvement.

During the one hour analysis you will be asked to run or walk on a treadmill whilst the Physiotherapist assesses the movement pattern:

  • From all angles
  • From head to toe including all joints
  • Analyzing the chain reaction that occurs with each step or stride
  • Using a recorded video that allows for slow motion analysis and review

Following the gait analysis the Physiotherapist will:

  • Explain to you exactly what is going well and what is not going so well on the video footage in real time and slow motion
  • Assess the specific areas of the body that have been identified as effecting your gait

With this valuable information, the Physiotherapist will:

  • Devise a specific exercise programme for you
  • Devise specific running drills to reinforce and carry over the new movement patterns
  • Make footwear recommendations, based on the shape of your foot and how it reacts upon impact, and in response to gravity and momentum

These three components will:

  • Optimize the biomechanics of your body
  • Enable you to move more efficiently and effectively
  • Reinforce and integrate the new pattern during walking and running

It is important that you bring along to your assessment:

  • Your usual running trainers as well as insoles that you may wear.

The physiotherapist may advise follow up appointments for hands-on treatment or to progress the prescribed exercises.

Our aim is to return you to walking or running as quickly and as pain free as possible and to prevent further injury.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Plus FAQs

Do you Work with Children who have Continence Issues?
No. Children should be seen by a paediatric specialist. The Chinese University has established the HK Children’s Continence Care Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Shatin, contact information .
What is the Late Cancellation Policy?
At Posture Plus, we do not demand a cancellation fee but as our therapists are very busy and we have a client waiting list, we respectively ask that if you do need to cancel your appointment that you provide us with at least 24 hours notice. This will allow us time to contact someone else on the waiting list.
Is Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Treatment by a Physiotherapist Covered By Insurance?
The Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation assessment and treatments are carried out by an experienced and Hong Kong registered Physiotherapist. Whether or not this is covered by health insurance depends upon your insurer, insurance policy and your level of insurance. Please bring along your Doctor’s referral, as insurance companies require the Doctor’s diagnosis to be printed on your receipt. We will take a copy of your referral and return the original to you at your first assessment session.
What are Pelvic Floor Exercises?
Sometimes referred to as Kegels exercises.

Choose any comfortable position. Imagine you are trying to stop yourself from passing wind and at the same time trying to stop the flow of urine. The feeling is one of squeeze and lift, closing and drawing up the front and back passages.

Why are Pelvic Floor Exercises Important to do?
The pelvic floor muscles attach round the whole outlet of the pelvis and have four very important functions

  1. They support the pelvic organs
  2. Maintain continence of urine and faeces
  3. They are active during sexual activity
  4. They are an active part of the muscular support system for the lower back

Four very important reasons to improve and maintain the strength of these muscles

Do the Improvements Gained from the Physiotherapy Treatment Last?
Yes. As long as you continue to follow the advice and the maintenance exercises
What Benefits are Reported Following Specialised Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Assessment and Treatment?
There are many benefits that can be achieved following pelvic floor assessment and treatment.

These include:

    • Improved bladder and bowel control
    • Reduced symptoms of vaginal prolapse
    • Reduction in constipation
    • Reduction in pelvic pain
    • An improved sex life
    • A better awareness on how your body functions and an improved quality of life
Can I Continue my Sports and Other Daily Activities During the Treatment?
Yes! You are encouraged to continue your normal activities. The ultimate aim of treatment is to integrate your newly acquired control and the correct patterns of pelvic floor activation into your everyday life.
Are there any Contraindications to the Assessment?
Some parts of the assessment will not take place if:

    • You are pregnant
    • Have had pelvic surgery in the last 4-6 weeks
    • Have an infection
    • You request it
Does the Assessment Hurt?
NO! If there is discomfort during any of the assessment let your Physiotherapist know immediately and it will be modified. It should NOT be painful.
Is it Safe to do an Assessment during Pregnancy?
When pregnant you will NOT have an internal examination. You will only be observed while doing your exercises to check if you have the correct technique. You can be given advice on any bladder or bowel issues, but any biofeedback or electrical stimulation treatment will wait until after you have delivered your baby.
What can I Expect from a Typical Session?
Biofeedback tools play a significant role in the treatment of various bladder and bowel problems.

A small probe is placed into the vagina or rectum. The probe is able to detect the action of the pelvic floor muscles. This is then displayed on a computer screen as a line that will go up when you work the muscle and go down when you relax it. This quickly teaches you the correct effort needed to work the muscle and most clients find it invaluable.

How Many Sessions will I Need?
Everyone is different, however, usually after the initial assessment and treatment session you will need one or two follow-up 30-minute appointments. With pelvic pain conditions, more sessions are usually required.
What does the Assessment/Treatment Involve?
The initial session involves a detailed assessment, after which you will be given advice on how to re- train your bladder or bowel. It is usual to do an internal vaginal or rectal examination in order to fully assess the problem and to teach the correct activation technique of your pelvic floor muscles. If needed, the Physiotherapist will use biofeedback to help you learn the correct technique or if your muscles are very weak give electrical stimulation to help strengthen them. Gentle manual stretching techniques can also be used on tight, painful areas.
Do I Need a Doctor’s Referral?
Yes. In order to see a Physiotherapist in Hong Kong you are first required to obtain a Doctor’s referral. Also, most health insurance companies require a Doctor’s referral in order to grant a refund. When you first attend the clinic, let our receptionist know that you will be making an insurance claim and she will photocopy your referral, return the original to you and ensure that the Doctors’ diagnosis is printed on your receipt.
Can I have an Assessment and /or Treatment During my Period?
It is possible to have the assessment if it is just at the beginning or end of your period; however, many ladies prefer to re-schedule after their period is finished.
Do I have to be completely undressed?
No. However, for the examination and treatment sessions, you will need to remove all clothing from the lower half of your body. Every effort will be taken to ensure your privacy and you will have a towel covering you.
May I bring someone with me to the Appointment?
Yes. If this would make you feel more comfortable, we are more than happy for you to have someone accompany you.
What Should I Bring to the First Session?
Please bring with you the completed continence pre-assessment form and if you have a bladder problem the completed bladder diary. These important forms will be given to you when you make the appointment or you can download them from our website.

Ergonomic Evaluation

What is Ergonomics?
The term ‘ergonomics’ is derived from the Greek words ‘ergon’ to work and ‘nomoi’ natural laws. Ergonomics is ‘the fit between people, the things they do, the objects they use and the environments they work and travel in’.

At Posture Plus we recognise the importance of correct ergonomics in today’s workplace. This is often in front of a computer, working in offices for long hours in relatively fixed positions, performing repetitive movements while working hard to meet deadlines. This type of work is associated with health problems such as pain and discomfort in the low back, neck, arms, elbows, wrists and hands.

It is now a legal requirement for companies to implement ergonomic workstation assessments in order to comply with Hong Kong Health & Safety policy and practice.

What to expect from an Individual Ergonomic Work-Site Assessment.
All our ergonomic assessors are fully trained and experienced physiotherapists. They will complete a detailed on-site assessment of the place where you work, the equipment that you use and the daily tasks that you perform. Any risk factors relating to these, your working posture and environment will be identified and immediate recommendations made in order to minimise them. The assessment will take one hour.

Within one week, a detailed report outlining the assessment findings and any recommendations relating to posture, task re-design, equipment and work station adaptations will then be completed and emailed or posted to the client. The report will outline the findings, use photographs to help illustrate posture problems and list recommendations which may include specialised ergonomic equipment.

Work Site Lectures
Posture Plus has formulated a detailed lecture series which can be modified according to the workplace. The series consists of the following lectures:

  • Lecture 1: General Posture in the Workplace
  • Lecture 2: Low Back Pain in the Workplace
  • Lecture 3: Neck and Arm Pain in the Workplace
  • Lecture 4: Common Postural Problems at Work, Home, Travel and Sport
  • Lecture 5: Posture and Kids

The lectures 1-5 consist of both theory and practical activities and require a free initial visit to the worksite to discuss what work areas need to be addressed. The physiotherapist takes photographs of the worksite as well as both good and bad work postures to use as relevant examples within the individual company lecture series.

Mini-Worksite Assessments

Due to demand, we also deliver mini-worksite assessments where a maximum of 4 staff members can be assessed within an hour. Workers are advised of potential risk factors and minor alterations are carried out for them for e.g. how to adapt their chair to suit them and their work patterns. A short report is then prepared and sent to the HR department to alert them to the main postural mistakes being made by their staff with the long-term view to influencing in-house procedures, staff information and training.

If you or your company is interested in booking any of the above lectures, assessments or wish to discuss a query with one of our physiotherapists, please contact us.
